Tried and Trusted home cleaners near you

Clients Benefits

Professional Service Providers who are checked and accredited

  • Registered Labour Hire Provider
  • Trained & Checked Professionals
  • Reliable Customer Service
  • Service Quality 100% Guarantee
  • Invoice Receipt Provided

Accredited Providers

Australian online service booking consisting of dedicated network professionals in your city

  • Local Professional Servicing Local Clients
  • Instant Booking Confirmation
  • Booking Reminder
  • All the checks and confirmations completed
  • Follow up and service rating

Why Book My Cleaner?

Ability to book your cleaner and expect certainty. 

  • Managed by professional with 18 Years of Real Cleaning Business Experience
  • Australian owned
  • Reliable Customer Service and Professional Cleaners
  • Australian Premiere Platform to Find and Book Best Cleaners


"Tim was excellent , my home cleaning was organised without a glitch.
" Very simple process to book my cleaner and I could pay on the day of service." with my credit card.
Paras Shah
All I can say is, this way of finding reliable client is simply awesome. Try it and you'll love it!"
Service Provider
"Very happy with service and the option to book again the same cleaner is great."
Sarah H.

the power of SYSTEM

Processes and systems in place to provide you a worry free experience.

Simple time BOOKING

Your professional cleaner will be booked at your convenience. Automatic reminders will be 3 way shared.

Change your booking prefeREnce on the go from your mobile phone.

Our website is fully customised to your mobile phone to provide you access from anywhere.

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